Oven Smells Like Burning Plastic: Causes and Solutions

Oven Smells Like Burning Plastic: Causes and Solutions

Ever turned on to be greeted by an oven smells like burning plastic? It’s enough to make you think you’ve traded your kitchen for a chemistry lab. Here’s the skinny: that burning odor coming from your oven might be new appliance jitters, where protective coatings inside the oven cavity are exposed to heat and start

Does Rubber Melt in The Oven? Discover the Truth

Does Rubber Melt in The Oven - Discover the Truth

Rubber does not melt in the oven. When placed in the oven, rubber will not undergo a melting process because it has a high melting point that exceeds the maximum temperature of household ovens. But obviously, it’s not a good idea to put rubber in the oven. Let’s know more about Does Rubber Melt in